Dream Feet Foot Mask 纤纤玉足膜

Product Code: NK-SC113-1S
Preferred RM54.00 Retails RM60.00

· Safe exfoliating
· Softer feel
· Smoother feet in 7 days

Product Category: Skin Perfect >> Mask

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· 安全去角质
· 柔滑触感
· 7天内打造顺滑美足

Removes calluses. Exfoliates damaged keratins. Soothing and hydrating the process to give silky soft and happy feet in 5 - 7 days, painless and hassle-free.

Clean and dry feet. Pour mask serum into mask socks. Slide mask socks onto each feet and fix it using the adhesive band attached. May secure wrapping by wearing together with socks. Rinse thoroughly after removing mask.

Cucumber extract, milk protein, Aloe Vera extract, Tranexamic acid, Collagen, Lactic acid


洗净擦干双脚, 将精华液注入塑料膜袜子. 双脚套上装满精华液的膜袜子后, 撕开位于脚踝从的双面胶贴, 黏上胶贴封好膜袜子开口。 然后用手轻压延展, 使膜袜子更贴敷足部每一寸皮肤. 外面再穿上一双袜子, 帮助固定足膜,确保精华液充分净透皮肤. 敷完脱下足膜后, 反复冲洗至完全干爽无残留。

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